Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Feb 07, 2024

Feb 07, 2024 Aug 18, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Hey! How are you doing? I hope you’re doing well. I know that right now, things aren’t so well. Kade ****** himself last week, and I don’t know what to do. I haven’t been able to sleep, I haven’t been able to focus on school or my other friends. I’ve just been rotting away in bed, scrolling through my phone. I want to do other things, but I can’t. I cry every time I’m not distracted. I’m scared and I don’t know what to do. Everything hurts, but I really hope that the pain isn’t as painful in the future. I hope we don’t forget kade. I feel like I’m already forgetting his voice…


4 months later

You're so ******* dramatic God I was gross. Dawg...

Nettogfgri week a of iceov e'uyor ish ferta gone not neigb imh. Man mcno. Neif tub you're wsa dnoru plroyabb 7 on fo irtsf hmi ,ietm t,lphisao weer hits gte to leki i the nigog oytda eth.
Saol mhmu. . . . Ilef ayeh cssku slitl. Htough 'its nwo rosew. Ont evre fi eusr t'nis yro'eu nyero,ma eb ti mi' nsik laenc illw. 'mi atht ofr dna oysrr so. Yuo rduein ma i revne ahd i the ayw i shiw aodyt.

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