Time Travelled — about 1 month

A letter from Jun 12, 2024

Jun 12, 2024 Jul 13, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, I know times tough. I don't know whether you have improved or started back from (0, 0) , but all I can say for now is that you are really trying rn. You have decreased your social media time (insta and youtube especially) and all you need is more focus on studies. I really wish you do cause I wanna achieve so many things and this is the one and only opportunity (you are in top 25 in your batch, don't let your tuition teachers, parents and especially, principal down and prove yourself right). Please learn from ur mistakes!! 🙏


5 months later

I need this...

Rea lnyo newh ocslho lydai i( r)ethe mxaes tdyus eenrirdm. I os an ot rohlberi of hcus gosh eb elef yo!u rinesvo lorde.

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