Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from Dec 02, 2023

Dec 02, 2023 Dec 02, 2024


Peaceful right?

dear future blake, i'm so proud of myself. for where i am now. in these letters, i usually write about how i'm proud of you- and i still am, but right now i'm proud of me. in february, i was in the lowest point of my life. it was a struggle to get through each day, and i didn't know if i would ever heal from that. it's been about 11 months, and i'm healing. obviously i'm not completely healed yet, it's a process, but i'm getting there. i haven't woken up to an anxiety attack in a while. i haven't self-harmed in almost six months. i'm expressing myself the way i want, eating what i want, doing the things i want. i finished my high school applications a week ago- the thing i've been working towards since third grade. it's a process, but i'm getting there. so, if you're in a low point right now, that's okay. you'll get out of it- i certainly did. and if you're even more healed, in an even better place than me, i'm so incredibly proud of you and me and us for getting there. i love us. happy december <33


about 23 hours later

aw this is actually so sweet. if only you...

Eehr ttereb cumh few t!o!!o i us of teh fo eht gnnao ohw im’ kenw get ongna rou adn mi’ teh ont hgrti edn egdars ):)) so hginst ubt of adn os hnstom eben s,ebt so you prudo be now ash nwhe th8 omfr tlle rae steb shnmraef yrae orswe le?fi phyap. Uoy daie eahv no. Hte ifel aw,ay bttere mazgnai its’ siicasontsioda nagon be ngaai, ilhen-ag htan nbydeo njgyoein ti’s ee’rw tujs is ,ok igogn. !!!oyu! elvo i.

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